100 Ways to Show Yourself Some Mega Love

1. Buy a journal. Start writing down some truths.

2. Gift yourself a book of truths written by someone who you really admire. Get lost between the pages.

3. Create a Best Case Scenario playlist filled with your favorite songs, and play whenever you need to amplify your good energy.

Do you need some extra love? Click through to read about 100 ways to love yourself madly, truly & deeply. (Plus, many of them are free!)4. Pull on an outfit that is incredibly soft to touch. Don’t have one? What are you waiting for?

5. Listen to a Madeline L’Engle audiobook, revel in the fantasy and self-assuredness in her voice.

6. Send yourself a love letter. Snail mail style. Only luxe stationary will do.

7. Write your commandments of living. Outline your non-negotiables. Get splendidly specific about what you believe.

8. Eat breakfast.

9. Dress up to go to the grocery store – from head to toe.

10. Invest in yourself, in whatever way feels truly delicious for you.

11. Create a self-portrait.

12. Cook your absolute favorite meal on the planet.

13. Make a recipe book! Get to collecting absolute favorite meals.

14. Have a DIY spa day – mask, toe nails, steep in a wonderfully scented tub, whatever you LOVE.

15. Read a book. For hours.

16. Deliberately forget to set your alarm clock, and sleep until you’re ready to rise.

17. Buy yourself new sheets! New pillows! Things that get you jazzed about going to sleep.

18. Go to a farmer’s market and invite yourself to notice the difference in food grown nearby.

19. Create yourself some new Pandora music stations, noting new musical interests.

20. Take yourself to a concert that you’ve been really looking forward too, even if no one else wants to go.

21. Buff your body from head to toe with a scrub of choice, imagine scrubbing off everything that no longer serves you and watch it wash down the drain.

22. Gift yourself Daily Tending and block out some time in your calendar for cultivating your most important relationship – your relationship with yourself.

23. Wear the brightest color that you own, and notice how it revs up your spirit.

24. Drink enough water.

25. Get gloriously clear on how much debt you owe, what your spending priorities are, and cultivate a heart-based plan.

26. Talk to a naturopath about how to amplify your energy.

27. Take your shoes off and feel the ground beneath your feet.

28. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store, notice what shifts.

29. Sign up for a class that teaches you something you’ve always been curious about.

30. Bake something yummy, and relish the delicious smells coming from your kitchen.

31. Get some energy or bodywork done as a special treat for yourself. You deserve to feel supremely good in your skin.

32. Curate a new morning/bedtime ritual for yourself – ten minutes where you commune with yourself daily and set the intention to prioritize meeting your own needs.

33. Sign up to work with a coach to see what kind of magic we can whip up.

34. Buy or create a piece of art for your wall. Thing HUGE.

35. Clear out your email inbox, for real this time. Develop a system that feels really good to you.

36. Take a nap.

37. Move your body! Run, jump, hoop, skip, balance, plank – do whatever it is that makes your body and heart sing in unison.

38. Find and subscribe to three new blogs that appeal to you.

39. Unsubscribe from email lists that no longer really speak to you.

40. Crank the music up and sing at top volume.

41. Commit to taking a photograph of your lovely face every day for a month – begin to truly see yourself as beautiful.

42. Tell the truth.

43. Give yourself the gift of a social media sabbatical.

44. Hire yourself a support squad filled with whomever you need in your pocket to start THRIVING in your everyday life.

45. Ask yourself: What am I ready for?

46. Get truly honest with yourself about something that you’re eating that is not working for your body, and wonder aloud, why am I doing this to myself? How does this behavior serve me?

47. Drink. Enough. Water.  And yes, it is so important I wanted to say it twice. 

48. Create an altar for yourself. Immerse yourself in your own brand of everyday magic.

49. Create boundaries that make you feel like dancing around happily, with everyone in your life.

50. Clean your car. Really, really well.

51. Learn how to hula hoop. If it’s not easy at first, try again.

52. Buy yourself a truly luxurious present.

53. Look someone in the eyes and tell them exactly what you love about them.

54. Eat dessert for dinner.

55. Put lipstick on, for no reason at all.

56. Throw away all of your clothing with holes or stains. Start fresh.

57. Floss and brush your teeth.

58. Dedicate an afternoon to sexual pleasure, in whatever way feels really good to you. Orgasms. Massage. Lots of dirty talk. Either coupled or solo.

59. Do that one thing that is always at the bottom of your to do list. Feel how light your spirit becomes.

60. Get a statement jewelry piece that really shows how you want to feel inside. Wear whenever you need a dose of bravery.

61. Get a juicer already! Start with this stunning combination: carrot, beet, and ginger. YUM.

62. Embrace your inner artist and give yourself the permission to create without judgment

63. Smile at everyone you encounter – including your lovely self every time you look in the mirror.

64. Ask for help.

65. Have a dance party in your living room when no one is looking. Shake what your mama gave you. 

66. Sink into the couch for a television show marathon of your choosing. Wear the coziest pajamas and eat only the most delicious snacks that you can imagine.

67. Call the family members that you haven’t spoken to in a while.

68. Stretch your limbs!

69. Learn a new skill.

70. Invest in truly fantastic (and soft) pajamas.

71. Have a cup of tea instead of that 10th cup of coffee, but deliberately choose a tea that is deeply delicious.

72. Buy a collection of erotica. Take note of what deeply appeals to you.

73. Go out and have yourself an adventure.

74. Make yourself a huge, massive, master list for all of the things that light you up and you want to spend more time doing.

75. Write your money a love letter. Repeat daily.

76. Snuggle with an animal. If you don’t have one, borrow one from a friend.

77. Hire a stylist. Reinvent your wardrobe.

78. Sign up for notes from the Universe.

79. Make your bed in the morning.

80. Take a leap of faith – even when you aren’t quite sure how it will end up.

81. Do something nice for someone else.

82. Create an altar for how you want to feel.

83. Ask for exactly what you want.

84. Batch cook delicious and nutritious food, so that you have something quick and healthy to reach for when you’re busy during the week.

85. Ask yourself: What advice would I give someone who I really loved about this situation?

86. Give yourself permission for whatever it is that you’ve been waiting from someone else.

87. Create a Pinterest board dedicated exclusively to images that make you feel alive.

88. Invest in high-quality products make from materials that you can pronounce and understand. I recommend Lush.

89. Plan a trip for yourself, even if it’s just around the neighborhood.

90. Shop local. Seek out things that are handmade and just as unique as you are.

91. Deal with your taxes.

92. Choose a theme song for your life. Listen to it when you’re getting ready in the morning, or when you need an extra boost of awesomeness.

93. Write your heroes love letters – tell them just how much you appreciate them. Risk looking foolish.

94. Forgive yourself.

95. Donate your time, hard-earned cash, or love to a cause that you believe in with your whole heart.

96. Make your favorite soup from scratch.

97.  Announce your superpowers to the world. Stand in your own power and glory.

98. Eat an orange. Allow it to appeal to all of your senses.

99. Ask your friends what they like the most about you, and be ready to accept their compliments! Write them down for yourself, so that you remember during low moments.

100. Tell yourself that you love yourself, exactly as you are. Repeat often.

What do you need right now?


Figure out what you need + how to meet that need in a way that is deliciously DOABLE, sustainable, and kind. (I pinky promise.)

8 thoughts on “100 Ways to Show Yourself Some Mega Love”

  1. “6. Send yourself a love letter. Snail mail style. Only luxe stationary will do.” You can also write a letter like that to your mother, father or loved one. I did that recently with my mother and she was so happy. Bringing happiness to others generally brings you happiness too.

    “61. Get a juicer already! Start with this stunning combination: carrot, beet, and ginger.” I’m definitely going to try that recipe, I haven’t yet. By the way, what juicer do you use?


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