What Kind of Eggs You Like + Who You (Really) Are

Open scene: Julia Roberts sits in front of a table of twenty plates, each laden with a different type of egg dish – scrambled eggs, omlettes, poached – trying to decide what type of eggs she likes. The premise is this: She doesn’t know what kind of eggs she likes outside of her relationships, thereby … Read more

Becoming a Detective to Your Own Experience

I remember, very clearly, a time when I realized this: I don’t even know what I like. I knew what other people liked. I knew what the people in my life preferred. I knew how to do it so that I got an A. I knew what the right way to do things was. But … Read more

The Courage to Leap: Self-Employment

Since age 10, I have been many things. I have sold lemonade and painted seashells on my front lawn to tourists walking by. I have taught toddlers how to adeptly distinguish between red and blue, and count to ten. I have worked in restaurants: advancing fromĀ gutter girl, to dishwasher, to bus girl, to hostess, to … Read more