A Declaration in Self-Care

We teach other people how to treat us. That we surround ourselves with the love we believe that we deserve. That the way that we treat ourselves sets the baseline for all of our relationships. The relationship that we have with ourselves is the most important relationship of our lifetime. Yet, so many of us are too … Read more

The Dance of Comparison

I know that feeling – tight chest, eyes brimming. The wondering, as you begin to become more and more nervous. The wondering. Scanning the Facebook pictures. Re-reading the website. Watching. Wondering. When silently, you are telling yourself: She has it easier than me. She’s got it all figured out. She’s better. She’s more worthy.  And then … Read more

The Pleasure in Permission

I want my life to feel like :: organic cotton everything, colors so vibrant it’s almost as if you could taste them, the perfect weight of a down comforter. The slow, casual stroll through the grocery story, popping things in my cart as they appeal to me. The preparing of the brussels sprouts for a … Read more