When Our Darkest Parts Seem Impossible to Hold

There are movies that I feel compelled to watch, even though I know that they will be hugely difficult and triggering for me. I see them coming my way, peripherally watching the trailers or making plans to see them with my friends. And then, when it comes to watching them, I freeze. There is never … Read more

Permission to Surrender

There are things that you want for your life.  …a divine purpose. …a job that lights you up, a job that re-energizes you. …a relationship that melts your bones and ignites the part of your heart that still wonders if you are actually lovable. …a reason for waking up in the morning. …a published book, a … Read more

When Women Gather In Truth

At first, it was a longing on my behalf – to join with gorgeous women in person. To feel the pressure of their bodies beneath my hug and look into their eyes. I was longing to work with women in a new way, getting our hands messy with glitter and sand. To join with my … Read more