Worry, Intention & Reclaiming Choice

This month, I have been consumed with the idea of well-intended choices, with the way that we actively participate in creating the world around us that we want by stacking up our small choices in an effort to build something beautiful and uniquely our own. Cultivating a remarkable life that sustains you is about reclaiming … Read more

The Self-Help Cycle & Taking Imperfect Action

For years I found myself stuck in the same cycle… Identify a problem. Look for a book or an expert to help me. Research on the internet. Ask all of my friends. Observe what everyone else around me is doing. Sit and wonder about it. Make a plan. Get (more than) a little overwhelmed by my plan. Get … Read more

Living on Purpose

Today, I am thrilled to share my answers to an interview with Dr. Danielle Dowling about how I live on purpose! How do you identify your spark? Do you have any rituals that help you return to your truest, most centered self? I define my spark as that quick, quiet moment of noticing that something … Read more

Healing for the Inner Good Girl

The feeling is so familiar. The gripping, churning feeling. The promise of repercussion. The flinch before the fallout.  The moment when my bright and shiny light sprung from my carefully folded hands, trespassing against my best attempts to keep it under wraps. For many years I skirted the dance of my ambition and my fear … Read more

You Are Allowed

You are allowed to rest. You are allowed to go through the effort of going to the store, buying the ingredients, and spending time cooking your favorite meal… even if you’re the only one there to eat it. You are allowed to prefer the company of people who lift you up to those that drag … Read more