A Transgender Woman’s Journey Toward Loving Her Body

This is a guest post written by the amazing Pace Smith, The Pathfinding Coach. I am so grateful to her for reaching out and sharing her story with us today.  Hi there! I’m Pace. I live in Portland, Oregon and I love it here. I’ve been married to an amazing woman named Kyeli for nine years, and … Read more

Restoration in Laughter, Tears & Sweat

A recipe for the restoration of the spirit. I find restoration in the strangest places. Tucked between the seats while I detail my car. Between honest laughter and bright tears. Relaxing along the floor of the incoming tide while my body surfs the waves like I did when I was small. At the back of … Read more

Praying At The Altar of Busy

I could have build my home here, on the precipice of frenetic action, riding the wave of my own utter exhaustion and the meager urge of stress hormones coursing through my veins. I could have build my home here. It was comfortable, believing that everything is an emergency. Believing, deeply, that my goodness hung in the … Read more