Praying in the Kitchen

When my world gets big and discombobulated, I often find myself in the moment of choice. I could choose to become escalated, loud. I could choose to rail against the multitude of things showing up, throwing myself on the floor in a fit of tears and terror about the enormity of it all. Or I … Read more

Permission to Accept Yourself, As You Are

I was having a conversation with myself this morning as I cooked breakfast about how we choose to show up in the world – and the different between a carefully crafted appearance vs. allowing yourself to truly stand in your own light. For many years, my presence in the world was that of a pre-rehearsed, … Read more

The Bite I Chose Not to Take

The moment was familiar to me. The quickening of my heart as the plate was placed in front of me, the quiver of sweat appearing on my palms. I was at one of my favorite restaurants, with some of my favorite people. But in that moment, when a little plate was put in front of … Read more

Owning Your Worth

On any given day there are a million places to transfer our worth, allowing it to slip through our tender hands and attach itself to moments that pass by. Not enough food in the refrigerator… unworthy. Yelled at the kids for taking too long… unworthy. Favorite jeans really tight… unworthy. Bank account overdrawn… unworthy. Hysterically … Read more

Taking Up Space

Noticing from JetBlue Flight, Seat 18B It was the first time since we’ve been together that Cookie and I didn’t sit next to one another. Because we bought our tickets late, we were both sitting in the center seats of two different rows. Just thinking about the center seat makes my skin crawl.  Since I … Read more