Living In My Skin

After a lifetime of loathing my body, neutrality felt like a breath of fresh air. Instead of concocting plan after plan to fix myself, I was suddenly able to look up and out. I was no longer just a body. I was a person with a body. A person who also had a mind and a fire … Read more

A Transgender Woman’s Journey Toward Loving Her Body

This is a guest post written by the amazing Pace Smith, The Pathfinding Coach. I am so grateful to her for reaching out and sharing her story with us today.  Hi there! I’m Pace. I live in Portland, Oregon and I love it here. I’ve been married to an amazing woman named Kyeli for nine years, and … Read more

Self-Care is Not A Punishment

At many points during  my life, my understanding about caring for myself was skewed. As in, oh honey, you’ve had such a bad day, that cupcake will totally make you feel better. And, you’ve worked so hard, skip your workout, you’ve earned the right to have a Netflix marathon.  Or, don’t go out and spend time with your friends, it … Read more

Damn, You’re Hot

This is a guest post written by the lovely Danielle Dowling. Enjoy! I met a girlfriend for an early morning cup of coffee + conversation in West Hollywood recently. I have a handful of favorite spots that I can count on to make a sharp, bitter espresso. I arrived a few minutes early (which rarely … Read more

Grounding Yourself in Self-Love

Too often, when we feel as though we are a work in progress, we succumb to the belief that we aren’t worth rejoicing until we _________.  We require ourselves to follow strict plans: monitoring our eating, chaining ourselves to the treadmill every single day, or refusing to acknowledge compliments given to us by strangers because … Read more