The Bite I Chose Not to Take

The moment was familiar to me. The quickening of my heart as the plate was placed in front of me, the quiver of sweat appearing on my palms. I was at one of my favorite restaurants, with some of my favorite people. But in that moment, when a little plate was put in front of … Read more

Staying With & Honoring Your Body

This past week, I have been paying particular attention to what it feels like to be in my body and in energetic integrity with my needs. Over the course of our day we are given the opportunity to make dozens of choices. Choices about what to eat, when to sleep, how to hydrate, how to … Read more

Eating [and Being] Alone

Confession: I am one of those people who knows that you should eat without distractions, and secretly whips out her computer for a new episode of White Collar during lunch or a book to read during breakfast. I am one of those people who know what is good for them, but somehow thinks that they … Read more