When It Don’t Come Easy

As I’m sure comes to a surprise to absolutely no one, I’ve been thinking (again, always) about self-partnership — the way that we show up for and stand by ourselves each day. Even when it’s hard. Even when we have a ton on our to-do lists. Even when our hearts are broken. Even when everyone … Read more

You are Sacred Land

You are sacred land. Your skin, the rugged and dimpled map of where you’ve been as you’ve walked the earth. Each line, each crevice a small piece of your story. Each chicken pock scar. Each faded silver stretch mark of where your body stretched and grew, once. You carry too, the stories that you tell … Read more

Worrying Is Not An Action Step

There are times when I want to do so many things I feel impossibly fractured, as though I’ve left little parts of myself all over town while running my errands. Call my representatives. Join that group making reusable bags for the store down the street. Read. Reach out to that coach with a gentle nudge … Read more

How to Make Your Self-Acceptance Practice Tangible Through Yoga

Today I am so excited to share the wise words of Anna Guest-Jelley, founder of Curvy Yoga.  Okay, so it might just be me, but do you ever read something about self-acceptance, or hear about someone else practicing it, and think — how on earth do they make that happen? I used to think that … Read more

You Belong Here

I remember being in the fifth grade with a chest that already fit comfortably into a 36D bra. I remember even more clearly the day that the woman in Victoria’s Secret told me I was a DD and I made some wise crack about being in “double-d denial” before bursting into tears. I remember taking … Read more