Blooming Wildly

As women, we often carry a desire for wholeness – for feeling vibrant in our bodies, for creativity that pours from our finger tips, and for relationships where we feel encouraged to show up exactly as we are.

For giving ourselves permission to grow roots where we are now – choosing to become an active participants in our own lives, curating moments of joy in the spaces in between a packed schedule and a PTA bake sale.

For celebrating the sacredness in our skin and putting down our cell phones to reconnect with the natural world around us.

For giving a voice to our wild and intuitive selves, the part of our spirits that are begging to heard.


Being at home in your life isn’t about doing anything.

It is about becoming more comfortable with yourself and your own unique way of doing things.

It is about eschewing the model of operating where productivity is king and your personal sanity doesn’t even make an appearance.

It is about honoring your body and our deeply creative and wise feminine nature.

When I say feminine here, I do not mean the sexed up version of the feminine woman that we so often see in pop culture. Or the good mother. Or the caretaker. Or the goddess. Or the virgin. Or the wife. Or the crone. (Though it could mean pieces of all of those archetypes for you.)

I am talking about a wildness in your approach, a deep receptivity to your own guidance, and the tender stewardship of your life.

I am also talking about moving through your life in tune with the seasons, moon cycle, and your body’s own cycles and rhythms.

This is a journey for women who are ready to reimagine the way they live their lives, peeling back the layers of “being good” and “getting ahead.”

It is a journey for women who desire to be both soft and durable. Compassionate and deeply productive. Kind and powerful.

It is a journey for women who hold the desire for a brilliant community of other women to gather with in support and nourishment.

Over the last three months as I’ve been creating it, In Full Bloom has been my heart outside of my body – the beacon calling me forward as I’ve formed a deeper and more delicious relationship with myself. I created this group excursion because I needed it. Because I saw my clients and communities needing it.


Gather with me…

In Full Bloom is an 8-week  excursion for wild women with the desire to cultivate sacred rituals that honor the divine feminine within. Beyond simply making peace with your body, this course teaches you how to become the tender steward of your life – approaching yourself with radiant love and devotion.

Think :: ardent self-care, special guests, glittering prompts + invitations, and recalibrating your life while honoring your body and connecting with the cycle of the seasons + the moon.

Learn more and scoop up your spot by clicking this link.

What do you need right now?


Figure out what you need + how to meet that need in a way that is deliciously DOABLE, sustainable, and kind. (I pinky promise.)

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