You Are The One

you are the one

I am only one,

But still I am one.

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something;

And because I cannot do everything,

I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

{Edwin Osgood Grover}

You are only one, but you are an important one.

You are the leader of your life, the culmination of all of your parts.

You are better equipped, in this moment, to take action on your behalf than you ever have been before.

In this moment, you carry with you the stories and the lessons and the failures and the brilliant successes of every moment of your life on this planet thus far.

Even if everything feels dark or nebulous or fuzzy, you are more whole than you’ve ever been, because your wholeness is different than your perfection.

You are only one, but you are an important one.

You are the ultimate granter of permission. The benevolent chairman of the board of your many parts. The lover and the beloved. The good mother and the inner child.

You are uniquely positioned to make choices on your own behalf, because no one in the world knows you as deeply or intimately as you know yourself.

You are a mess of contradictions. We all are.

As you look at your life in this moment, be discerning about your priorities. Be thoughtful about how you would like your life to feel in moving forward.

Your life doesn’t belong to anyone else but you. You are allowed to use your permission and your choice to reclaim your life for your own divine purposes.

Teach yourself to say yes with gumption and gusto.

Teach yourself to say no with certainty. Privately validate and approve of your choices, even if no one around you understands quite what you’re up to.

You are only one, but you are an important one.

Start with one thing.

Drink more water. Get enough sleep. Leave work when when the work day is over – and don’t it home with you. Make an altar. Write your sweetheart a love note each morning to rekindle the spark of your adoration. Ask for help. Walk around the block. Buy an alarm clock to wake yourself up and charge your phone in the kitchen. Pull a card. Say a prayer. Brush your teeth. Choose to be grateful. Watch less television. Create something. Say something true.

Start with one thing and do it to the best of your abilities. Commit yourself to it. Pledge yourself to it. Acknowledge the fact that just because you might not be able to do EVERYTHING that you want to do in this exact moment, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t time to get started.

Start with one thing. Do it again and again. Do it until it feels easy – until you feel better supported in that area. Until you can trust yourself to keep doing it.

Then add in one more thing.

It sounds simple, but this is the recipe for being whatever is that you want to be, getting whatever it is that you want to have, and becoming whoever it is that you want to become in this life.

Start somewhere. Don’t stop. Get really good at it. Add in something else.

Keep going. Don’t give up. Appreciate yourself like crazy for your hard work.

That’s it.

You are only one, but you are THE one.

The one you’ve been waiting for.

The one to help you take care of yourself.

The one to make your decisions for you.

The one to help you say yes.

The one standing by at the ready with a kind word and a hug.

The savior. The best friend. The lover. The instigator.

You are only one, but you are THE one.

I freaking love that about you.

What do you need right now?


Figure out what you need + how to meet that need in a way that is deliciously DOABLE, sustainable, and kind. (I pinky promise.)